Bioengineering seminars will take place on Fridays for Fall 2022. The seminar will be held from 10:30 to 11:45 a.m.
Sept. 9
Title: Defining molecular level design rules for the development of stronger wet adhesives
Professor Roberto A. Eguiluz, UC Merced
Setp. 23
Title: TBA
Professor Xuecai Ge, UC Merced
Oct. 7
Title: TBA
Prof. Bin Liu, UC Merced
Oct. 21
Title: TBA
Prof. Siddharth Dey, University of California, Santa Barbara
Nov. 4
Title: TBA
Prof. Katharina Ribbeck, MIT
Nov. 18
Title: TBA
Professor Yue Wang, UC Merced
Dec. 2
Title: TBA
Professor Chris Amemiya, UC Merced
Dec. 16
Title: TBA
Professor Clarissa Nobile, UC Merced
For information, please contact contact Professor Changqing Li.